
uueb™ independent ui/ux developer, utilize open source coding and independent resource. Arrange a meeting with us remotely via uueb.my.id/s/zoom

uueb™ (previously uuebu) origin itself as built in a simple sense of media, the initiative begun back in 1993 (workaround on 1997). It all begun as a public (non-commercial) free portal-based named after the founder sanUgraH until April 2011.  In the beginning it were named IMH ® then renamed a year later to ICMT ® project, kind a nerd one back in the old days. Maintained few released media project, involvement managing some private hosted publication and public services.

® nex-r latest project aim at further system development and synergized AI implementation in public domain.

! “The great growling engine of change – technology.” – Alvin Toffler